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Minus One review: A sweet and toxic tale of love and friendship

Minus One is a show that does not portray things for the sake of it. You can be in the journey with the characters

Shaheen Irani
May 23, 2023
Minus One review: A sweet and toxic tale of love and friendship

Minus One.

Minus One: New Chapter


Riya and Varun were in a live-in relationship. Things didn't work out between them as a couple and now they are back to being friends. Wait for it. While still living together.


Wondering how can love be toxic, aren't you? When you watch Minus One, you'd understand just how.

Often times, you find it tough to get over the people you love deeply. You want them in your life forever, which is what sets the core of Minus One. Here, ex-lovers live together as friends.

Welcome to the world of Riya (Aisha Ahmed) and Varun (Ayush Mehra) who feel they are over each other but continue to care for one another like they never argued or parted ways. Welcome to Minus One.

This show follows a fun concept - where you understand how Riya and Varun were as lovers and how they are now. The two date other people but remain best friends who do crazy stuff (according to their standards) together. Sounds zany, right? Which is why you have to watch the show to understand the mindset.

Nobody in their right mind would think about living with their ex and continue living their life simultaneously. This show does. The concept is unique, we would give them that. However, the most attractive thing about Minus One is how real it gets.

Riya and Varun live in separate rooms and go through all emotions together. They laugh, make fun of each other, get tensed for one another and have bro moments too. It is those moments which define the show.

Aisha and Ayush are a complete delight to watch. They both bring their characters to life and even though you know they are acting, everything feels almost real.

The show ends on a pretty emotionally heavy note. It has evolved to the extent that human mind might only be able to decipher.


Minus One is the perfect example of 'tedha hai par mera hai.' The concept is twisted but the show gives you a sense of belonging and security, which is something that people crave post COVID-19 times.
