Home » Reviews » Hidimbha Movie Review: The Ashwin Babu, Nandita Swetha starrer is great on paper but ends as a strictly passable watch


Hidimbha Movie Review: The Ashwin Babu, Nandita Swetha starrer is great on paper but ends as a strictly passable watch

Hidimbha is the new Telugu thriller which has Ashwin Babu, Nandita Swetha, and Makarand Deshpande in key roles. Anil Kannekanti directed this film

Avad Mohammad
Jul 20, 2023
Hidimbha Movie Review: The Ashwin Babu, Nandita Swetha starrer is great on paper but ends as a strictly passable watch




The city of Hyderabad is on a red alert as multiple girls go missing one after the other. In comes top cop Adhya(Nandita Swetha) to deal with the case. On the other hand, Adhya is assisted by a carefree cop Abhay(Ashwin Babu) with whom she also shares a part. During the investigation. Adhya finds out that the murders have a connection to the cannibals from the Hidimbha clan. Who is this killer? What is his background with the Hidimbha clan? All the questions will be answered only if you watch the film.


Hidimbha is directed by Anil Kanneganti and his story is quite interesting. A serial killer is on the loose and his background has a connection with the Hidimbha clan. Well, this sounds quite intriguing on paper and is also transformed for the most part. There are multiple films with serial killers and a gory past but here, the connection with the Hidimbha clan is quite well thought of by the director. This itself gives a new depth to the film.

The film starts on a very interesting note and the pattern with which the murders happen is showcased in a very gripping manner. But from there on, the film slows down. The romantic angle between the lead pair and the manner in which the cops deal with the case does not have great moments. The story moves forward with predictable scenes and only fifteen minutes before the interval, things pick up pace.

Once the basic connection between the murders and the Hidimbha tribe is established, things get interesting. The interval bang is well thought off and the break point leaves the audience in a fix. Also, the second half starts on a good note as the film goes back into flashback mode. Makarand Deshpande plays a key role in the film and the manner in which his motto as a villain is unleashed, the plot becomes thrilling. The visuals, BGM, and action blocks are good.

Coming to the performances, Nandita Swetha plays a top cop and does well. But there are also several scenes where she looks clueless. The command which a cop needs to deal with such a big case is missing in her performance. Ashwin Babu makes a transformation and bulks up for Hidimbha. He does well as a carefree cop and by the end, when his character makes a drastic transformation, he overdoes a bit.

Makrand Deshpande gets a very good role and he lives in it. Especially the scenes where he eats parts of the human body with his son have been showcased in a solid manner. He gives the edge to the thriller in a big way. The production values of the film are top-notch. One of the special aspects of the film is the terrific sound design which is amazing. The camerawork showcasing the dark images and ancient past is quite good. The editing and dialogues are decent. Anil Kanneganti should be lauded for showcasing the Hindimbha clan in an intriguing manner.

The connection he establishes between the last living man from the clan and his motto for the killings is superb. But once this is established, there is less time for him to engage the audience with thrills. He does not have enough time to elevate the villain and ends the film in a rush. Had he revealed this angle a little before, the output would have been great. But that does not happen and the film is rushed to the end line and the audience gets a feeling that too much is left for them to digest.


On the whole, Hidimbha is a suspense thriller that is good on paper and has passable thrills. But when things need to go to the top gear thrills-wise, the film falters and ends as a half-baked affair thanks to a hurried last fifteen minutes.

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