This Netflix Crime Drama series captivated audiences across the globe by exploring themes of trust, love, hate, teamwork, jealousy, and rage. The multiple Emmy Award-winning TV show had audiences eagerly awaiting each season.
Welcome to another podcast special of OTTplay Now You Know where I give you some trivia and unknown facts about your favorite shows or films.
I'm your host Nikhil stay locked with me.
This Netflix Crime Drama series captivated audiences across the globe by exploring themes of trust, love, hate, teamwork, jealousy, and rage. The multiple Emmy Award-winning TV show had audiences eagerly awaiting each season to be released on Netflix every year. Yes, I am talking about Money Heist. The show created by Alex Pina, is a Spanish drama series originally titled La casa de Papel. Netflix had it renamed as Money Heist, to appeal to a global audience. Here are some amazing facts you need to know about this great show.
1. There were a few translation challenges regarding the title ‘La casa de Papel’ which is literally translated as ‘The House of Paper’, a Spanish pun which roughly translates to ‘Money House’, but the creators chose ‘Money Heist’ which resonates better with the storyline.
2. The famous mask used in the show is a caricature of the face of well-known Spanish artist Salvador Dali, which depicts a symbol of revolution and anti-capitalist sentiment.
3. The show, which is filmed in Madrid, has a fictionalised interior set of the Bank of Spain because the production could not obtain permission to replicate the original.
4. The well-written script’s secret is that the writers never pre-planned their storyline but penned it down as and when needed, keeping in mind the excitement, reaction and perceptions of the audience.
If you haven't watched this series yet do so streaming exclusively on Netflix.
Well, that's some unknown trivia about your favourite crime drama series Money Heist. . I shall be back with another podcast about another film or show trivia that you had no clue about. Until then it’s your host Nikhil outta here
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