Archer is a Primetime Emmy-winning adult animated sitcom. The show follows an array of intelligence agents, specifically the protagonist Sterling Archer, a self-involved womanizer.
Welcome to OTTplay Now You Know one podcast that gives you all the trivia and lesser-known facts about your popular films and shows. I'm your host Nikhil
Today, we take a deep dive into Archer the Primetime Emmy-winning adult animated sitcom which debuted season 12 on Netflix today. The show follows an array of intelligence agents, and specifically the protagonist Sterling Archer, a self-involved womanizer. Here are some lesser-known facts about the series.
1. The characters are often shown reading magazines on the show, which serve as Easter eggs for upcoming episodes or seasons.
2. Each episode of the show features the sound of ice-cubes clinking against the glass.
3. The name of Amber Nash’s character Pam makes an appearance on graffiti and walls in almost every episode.
4. Jeffrey Tambor and Jessica Walter, who played bickering married couple in Arrested Development, have again been cast in Archer as arch-rivals Len Texler and Malory.
5. The opening title montage shows the blueprint of the helicopter in the 1984 series Airwolf and the rudimentary rocket called The Vulture from the sci-fi show Salvage 1.
If you haven't watched the series yet, do so exclusively on Disney + Hotstar.
Well, that's the OTTplay Now you Know for today’s episode, I shall be back again tomorrow until then it's your host Nikhil signing out.
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