The Kiranraj K directorial is set to release in theatres on June 10, a few days after leading man Rakshit's birthday. The film was meant to release in December 2021, but was pushed ahead owing to the pandemic. Here's a look at what's in store in just oveer two weeks.
Rakshit plays Dharma, a loner whose life revolves around his house, factory, fights, beer, cigarettes and his staple diet of idli.
The film revolves around how Dharma's life changes around when a dog named Charlie comes into his life.
Three dogs play Charlie in various stages in the film. The dogs were provided a special air-conditioned caravan during the travel portions of the film,
A reluctant actor, Raj B Shetty agreed to be a part of the film because of the story, the team's conviction, his buddy Rakshit and, of course, because he is an animal lover. Raj plays a veterinary doctor who checks in on Charlie.
Sangeetha plays Devika, an animal welfare activist, who is called upon to check if Dharma has been caring well enough for Charlie.
Dharma and Charlie undertake some life-changing journeys in the film.
Tamil actor Bobby Simha comes to Kannada cinema in a pivotal cameo,
RJ and online content creator Danish Sait will be seen in a cameo in the film. No details about his role have been disclosed yet, but going by the image, it appears that he is someone that Dharma and Charlie meet along their journey,
Drama Juniors fame Sharvari plays Rakshit's character Dharma's neighbour, who, along with Charlie, brings about a positive change in his life.
The film, produced by Rakshit and the late GS Gupta for Paramvah Studios, was initially meant to be made with Aravind Shastry in the lead. However, when the filming was delayed, Aravind had other commitments, at which point Rakshit stepped in and took over the role of Dharma,