Ranbir went to Ravivaar with Star Parivaar to promote his upcoming film Shamshera, in which he co-stars Sanjay Dutt and Vaani Kapoor.
Ranbir Kapoor has been busy promoting his new flick Shamshera, which is set for a July 22 theatrical release. As part of the promotional tour, the actor was on Ravivaar with Star Parivar, where he was joined by Anupama-star Rupali Ganguly. Ranbir had a big smile plastered on his face as he met and greeted the other actors on the set.
Credit: Instagram
Rupali was supremely thrilled about meeting Ranbir while filming Ravivaar Star Parivaar. And her excitement was palpable in her social media posts. She captioned photos on Instagram,” I LOVVVVEEEEE HIM, An actor Par Excellence, An extremely humble down to earth superstar, A talent unparalleled ,My absolute favorite actor.”,
Neetu also shared a video of herself and Ranbir chatting. She also shared a photo with Vaani Kapoor and Ranbir, captioning it with “Ek behtreen lamha.”,
On the set of Ravivaar With Star Parivaar, Ranbir also met Shekhar.
The actress who is now starring in the television drama Imlie, also met Ranbir on the set of Ravivaar With Star Parivaar.
Rajshri is a TV actress who has been in programs such as Suhani Si Ek Ladki, among others. When she recently met Ranbir, she couldn't hide her excitement and put up some wonderful Instagram posts.