On Sunday, March 27, the much-awaited trailer of KGF: Chapter 2 (in all five languages) was launched at a glitzy event in Bengaluru. Attended by the cast and crew of the film, the Kannada version of the trailer was launched by Century Star Shivarajkumar, while Suriya, Ram Charan, and Prithviraj did the honours for the other south versions online.Here's a look at some of what took place at the launch...
Shivarajkumar was the chief guest of the event in Bengaluru, and launched the Kannada version of the trailer. Asked to do it in typical Shivanna style, the actor said that it was difficult to do anything in style since his brother, Puneeth Rajkumar passed away. "But the show must go on," he said, proceeding to sing, "I love you, you must love me" from his film Om, urging everyone to shower love on KGF: Chapter 2.
Popular Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar was the host of the star-studded event.
One of the best TV anchors in Kannada, Anushree hosted the event along with Karan Johar.
KGF would not have happened, but for this man, Vijay Kiragandur, who showed the courage to produce the film in not one but two parts, with the second far exceeding the scale of the first.
"Baahubali 1 and 2 taught us to dream and KGF 1 and 2 taught us to believe in that dream," said Prithviraj, adding that it was his privilege to associate with the team and distribute the film in Kerala.
Not one to take all credit of KGF for himself, Prashant Neel put the spotlight on each member of his incredible crew, without whom, KGF would have been incomplete.
Sanjay Dutt was shooting for KGF: Chapter 2, when he was diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo intense treatment protocol. Yet, as everyone on the team repeatedly remarked, never once did that become reason for him to find an easy way out during the shoot, choosing to do so in the harsh locations at KGF amid all the dust and grime.
Raveena Tandon plays Ramika Sen, the prime minister in KGF: Chapter 2. This is only her second Kannada film after the 1999 Upendra.
Villains of KGF unite. Here are Andrews (Avinash) and Garuda (Ramachandra Raju) sharing a lighter moment ahead of the trailer launch.
The team of KGF was all praise for Srinidhi Shetty who has dedicated several years to the making of KGF and has not bowed to industry pressure to do multiple films.
Vasishta N Simha, also a part of the KGF villain gang, was spotted at the trailer launch.
In late October, Yash was one of the guests at Shivarajkumar's Bhajarangi 2 pre-release event, which was also the last public appearance of the late Puneeth Rajkumar. It was no surprise that Shivarajkumar would be a part of Yash's big day and the duo shared several warm moments during the event on Sunday.
Sanjay Dutt, who began his career with the film Rocky, is very fond of Yash and his family, which was quite evident during the event on Sunday.