Sara Ali Khan’s Atrangi Re song ‘Chaka Chak’ is still making a lot of noise on the web and the proof of it is the video of a little girl copying her steps. The viral video sees the little girl not only mimic the steps but she also dressed up like Sara - in a green and pink coloured saree. To further the comparison, the little girl danced in front of the TV, where Sara was already grooving to Chaka Chak.
The video instantly went viral for obvious reasons. Right from the hair to the steps, the little girl was a complete copy of Sara from Atrangi Re.
See it here:
The video saw the little girl copy Sara from the beginning of the song Chaka Chak from Atrangi Re. This was even before Dhanush entered the scene.
The girl only grooved to the hook of the song. However, the video is just the second part of the song. The Instagram page, Tania and Sony, featuring the mother and daughter as dancers, sees Tania groove on many songs through the Moj app.
Before Tania, a 63-year-old also went viral for her take on Chaka Chak. It doesn’t come as a surprise per say since the song became a trend on Instagram ever since it was released. Sara had also promoted her song full-fledgedly on the platform and various shows.
Atrangi Re also stars Akshay Kumar in the lead role. The Aanand L. Rai directorial was a direct-to-OTT release. It started streaming on Disney+Hotstar from December 24, 2021.