Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan have collaborated on more than 12 films, including 16 Vayathinile, Apoorva Raagangal, Aval Appadithan, Avargal, Ilamai Oonjal Aadukirathu, Ninaithale Inikkum and so on
It's no secret that Kamal Haasan and Rajinikanth are good friends, despite sharing different political ideologies. Even before the release of Vikram, Kamal Haasan met Rajinikanth at his Poes Garden residence, and their pictures created waves of excitement among fans, on social media.
While promoting Vikram, Kamal Haasan, in an interview, revealed why he and Rajinikanth haven't done a film together in the past 40 years. “It was something that we agreed upon long ago. We decided to branch out, as we are capable of holding the fort on our own,” told Kamal Haasan.
Kamal, further, said, it was a business decision. “We have done 13-14 films together. But then we decided not to do it together because they were dividing one remuneration between us.”
Recalling the 40-year old friendship, Kamal Haasan added, “Rajinikanth and I are competitors; yes, but we are friends first. When we were 25, we both predicted how this journey of ours ought to end. And, we are living accordingly with the respect that it deserves. There will be no change to it.”
Rajinikanth was not able to come to the trailer launch of Vikram but had called Kamal Haasan to wish him and to explain his non-availability for the programme.
Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan have collaborated on more than 12 films, including 16 Vayathinile, Apoorva Raagangal, Aval Appadithan, Avargal, Ilamai Oonjal Aadukirathu, Ninaithale Inikkum and so on. The last time we saw the duo together was in Amitabh Bachchan's Geraftaar (1985).
Several years ago, Kamal Haasan posted a question at a press conference, which sparked controversy. "Rajini and I can act together but who could afford us?"
However, at an award ceremony, Rajinikanth had said, “I guess Kamal and I will do a film together. We've been talking about it for the past forty years. But we are worried about the expectations!”
It was reported that Rajinikanth was paid Rs 50 crore for his 2010 blockbuster, Enthiran. And, currently, Kamal Haasan is believed to charge over Rs 20 crore for films.
During the release of Vishwaroopam 1, Kamal Haasan had said, working with Rajinikanth was a costly question. "If both of us starred together, there would be no money to make the film," he added.