Produced by M Ramesh Reddy, who’d also backed the Kannada remake 100, Dil Hai Gray is directed by Susi Ganeshan, who’d made the Tamil original.
Urvashi Rautela’s next is the cyber crime thriller Dil Hai Gray, directed by Susi Ganeshan. The Hindi remake of the filmmaker’s earlier movie, Thiruttu Payale 2, which had Bobby Simha, Amala Paul and Prasanna in the lead, is now gearing up for a July release. Dil Hai Grey has been produced by M Ramesh Reddy, who had also backed the Kannada remake 100, which was directed by director-actor Ramesh Aravind and had Purna, Rachita Ram and newcomer Vishwakarma in the lead.
Earlier, announcing that she’s part of Dil Hai Gray, Urvashi had posted on social media, “I am excited to announce the title of our film “ DIL HAI GRAY “ on this auspicious day of Vijaya Dashami. The Hindi remake of "Thiruttu Payale 2". This film is very close to my heart and it was lovely working with director @susiganeshan sir, Producer M Ramesh Reddy sir, and my co-stars @vineet_ksofficial and @akshay0beroi . The film is already a big hit in the south and I am very positive about the story that it will be also be loved by the audiences here. I hope my fans would bless us with their love and support. Super excited to watch my film on the big screen after a long time.”
While the Tamil original revolved around three characters, Ramesh Aravind had reworked the script to suit his image as an actor included Rachita Ram’s character in the narrative. The Hindi version, though, will follow Thiruttu Payale and focus on three characters only, played by Urvashi, Vineet Kumar Singh and Akshay Oberoi. The narrative follows a police officer and his investigation into a man who uses social media to trap innocent women.
Apart from Dil Hai Gray, Urvashi will also be seen in Inspector Avinash opposite Randeep Hooda as well as the bilingual thriller Black Rose based on William Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. The actress, who had earlier debuted in Kannada films opposite Challenging Star Darshan in Mr Airavata, is set to make her Tamil debut with a multilingual film called The Legend with Saravana.