Hunter Moore was the man behind the website IsAnyoneUp, which later came to be known as the home of revenge porn.
Netflix has always had a way of producing documentaries on bizarre and lesser-known things from the world, yet making them interesting and entertaining at the same time. The latest concoction from the streaming platform in The Most Hated Man on the Internet, a three part docu-series that talks about Hunter Moore and IsAnyoneUp.
Moore is the man who started the website IsAnyoneUp back in 2010, which received immediate popularity after he shared nude photos of a girl that he had dated and broken up with on the website. This would start the phenomenon that was later known as “revenge porn” and make IsAnyoneUp the home of revenge porn.
The docu-series shows the viewers how the website went on to grow into something that attracted a lot of heat and was subsequently taken down. By getting people to share explicit photos of women without their permissions and even hacked content, the website was what propelled the idea of revenge porn, even before it was classed as a sexual offense.
In the center of the show, is Moore, an unapologetic man who fueled the fire for all this. The FBI took down the website and Moore in 2012, and not much was known about the man behind it all since.
Moore, who Rolling Stones titled, “The most hated man on the Internet,” was convicted on multiple counts and was sentenced two and a half years in federal prison, followed by three years of supervised release. Moore was released in 2017, and he has managed to keep a rather low profile since.
In 2022, Moore posted, “Look guys, I did my time behind bars. Living my life peacefully now, it’s been a decade about what happened. Some of you loves me, most of you hates me, if you want me to apologise well I wouldn’t. I don’t owe anyone anything.”
While Moore has spent his time behind bars, not much seems to have changed in his personality. The show, which documents all the events, is available to stream on Netflix.