The film, directed by Lana Wachowski, also stars Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jessica Henwick, Jonathan Groff, Neil Patrick Harris and Jada Pinkett Smith
Wachowski was back recently with another instalment of the fan-favourite The Matrix franchise. The film is inspired loosely by the Japanese cult hit Ghost in the Shell and other sci-fi themes, is said to have changed the landscape of modern cinema. The film recently had its theatrical release and opened to mixed reviews but the performances of the cast were highly praised by the audience and critics alike. Here's where and how to watch the movie on OTT.
Is The Matrix Resurrections the last Matrix movie?
The makers had said in an earlier interview that they do not have any plans to develop further movies.
What is The Matrix Resurrections about?
The film is about Mr. Anderson who decides to follow the white rabbit once again to find out if his reality is a physical or mental construct. He has by now realised that an illusion is possibly the only way out of or into the Matrix. He makes up his mind without realising that the Matrix is stronger, more secure and dangerous than ever before.
Who are the cast and crew of The Matrix Resurrections?
Directed by Lana Wachowski the film also stars Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jessica Henwick, Jonathan Groff, Neil Patrick Harris and Jada Pinkett Smith. It is written by Lana Wachowski, David Mitchell and Aleksandar Hemon. The cinematography for the film is by Daniele Massaccesi and John Toll.
When did The Matrix Resurrections release?
The film was released in theatres on December 22, 2021, after its premiere in Toronto on December 16, 2021.
Where to watch The Matrix Resurrections online?
The film is available to stream on AppleTV for Rs 490. The film can be watched on rent on BMS stream for Rs 499 and can be bought for Rs 799 on the platform.