The popular animation series narrates the story of Hanuman and his transformation from a warrior to God,
The hit mythological animation series, The Legend of Hanuman, will release its second season on Disney+Hotstar from August 6, 2021.
The epic fantasy series created by Sharad Devarajan, Jeevan J Kang and Charuvi Agarwal was first premiered on January 29, 2021. Like the first season, actor Sharad Kelkar will be narrating the second season, too, which will portray the rise of the humble vaanara as an immortal legend. The new season will have 13 episodes and will be released in six languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Bengali, Malayalam and Kannada.
The popular series narrates the story of Hanuman and his transformation from a warrior to God. As Indian audiences are always fond of experiencing the retelling of the mythical tales, the makers hope that the second season will also earn a huge fan base across the country. The first season received much appreciation for its gripping storytelling, advanced animation and convincing character presentation. Instead of just dubbing the animated work, the makers have used animatics which allows actors to act. The characters in the first season were well-etched and realistic, and went on to entertain a huge number of children.
Apart from narrator Sharad Kelkar, the voice cast of the series includes Damandeep Singh Baggan as Hanuman, Sanket Mhatre as Ram, Vikrant Chaturvedi as Sugreev, Shailendra Pandey as Vayu, Richard Joel as Lakshman, Shakti Singh as Jambhvan and Shatrughan Sharma as Shatabali.
The series, which is produced by Graphic India and Charuvi P Singhal, has Charuvi Agrawal handling the design works for characters. The story for the series is written by Sharad Devarajan, Sarwat Chaddha, Ashwin Pande, and Arshad Syed.