Director Hitesh Bhatia shared, "We missed Chintu ji but didn't want his last film to disappear."
Late veteran actor Rishi Kapoor's last film Sharmaji Namkeen has become the talk of the town ever since the movie was announced and its trailer was released by the makers. The film will remain close to the hearts of all the fans of the actor who are waiting to witness his performance on screen for one last time. While speaking to the Indian Express, the writer and director of Sharmaki Namkeen, Hitesh Bhatia opened up on Rishi Kapoor's last scene. He shared how he was initially reluctant to take a close-up shot but eventually went ahead with it on the late actor's insistance, not knowing then that it'll be his last shot ever.
Speaking to the news portal, Hitesh shared that the last scene they shot with Rishi Kapoor was for a kulfi scene in the film. He added that he didn't want to take a close-up as he felt there was no need for it. "We're done with the scene. Let's wrap it," Hitesh had mentioned but Rishi Kapoor, who never insists, wanted him to take the close-up for he felt that it will add to the scene.
"The light was going badly. So, he asked the DOP to make the close-up happen no matter what. And eventually, we did the shot, not knowing it will become the last shot of his life,” Hitesh told the portal.
Further talking about how they thought that they'll not be able to complete the film after the veteran actor's demise and why reshooting the entire film was not an option, Hitesh shared, "If we cast another actor and redo the whole film, it won't remain Rishi Kapoor's last film." He added that they all missed "Chintu ji but didn't want his last film to disappear."
Though, fans will be able to watch Sharmaji Namkeen on Amazon Prime Video from March 31, Rishi Kapoor's family - Neetu Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor and Riddhima Kapoor have already watched the film at a special screening in Mumbai. Hitesh revealed that they were quite emotional on watching the film. "I was a little worried about how the family will feel and how the film eventually shapes up. But they all really loved it, Ranbir and Neetu ji in particular," said Hitesh, adding that all of them were very emotional on seeing Rishi Kapoor on screen for the last time.