Kapil Sharma also called Chandu "Fakeer Singh."
Shahid Kapoor and Mrunal Thakur were recently seen promoting Jersey on The Kapil Sharma Show. The host also welcomed Pankaj Kapur, who is portraying a major role in the upcoming sports drama film. Meanwhile, Chandan Prabhakar, Kiku Sharda and a few more actors appeared on the show to entertain the guests and the audience.
Chandu came on stage dressed like Kabir Singh, the titular character from Shahid's 2019 romantic-drama film. The comedian stepped onto the stage riding a bike with a male co-star, who was dressed like Preeti (Kiara Advani's character in Kabir Singh). He introduced himself to the Jersey stars as Kabir Singh, while Kapil jokingly called him Fakeer Singh. He later told Kapil that the Punjabi remake of the movie has been made with the name of Jageer Singh, to which the famous Indian comedian replied that why doesn't he make something original.
"Yaar original aur first copy mein thoda toh farak hota hai ki nahi," says Chandu, while Kapil replies, "Tu first copy nahi, tu worst copy hai." This made everybody laugh on the stage.
Watch a glimpse of the show here:
Meanwhile, After inviting Pankaj Kapur in a grand way on the show, Kapil took a special note on a social media post dedicated to the Office Office actor. He shared a selfie on his official IG handle that features him along with the veteran actor. The post reads, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human.it was n honor meeting n hosting him on our show. Thank you @officialpankajkapur sir for gracing our show with your presence your great fan (Sic)."
Check out the image here: