Directed by Ranjith Sankar, the movie will see Jayasurya play a solitary musician
Jayasurya, who recently completed two decades in Malayalam cinema, announced his 100th venture last week. Titled Sunny the movie is his eighth collaboration with director Ranjith Sarkar and will soon be available for streaming.
What is Sunny about?
Jayasurya plays Sunny, a solitary musician, who finds himself in an emotional crisis. The story will show how he looks to find hope and the drive to pursue what he loves the most.
“My music slowly withered from me forever,” he says in the opening of the teaser. As the clip furthers, we see that he’s going through a creative block, and is in search of inspiration. The subject may seem sombre, but also one that drifts into the feel-good space as Sunny tries to work out the kinks in his life.
What makes Sunny a special film?
What makes Sunny special is that it will solely focus on one actor, and one character’s journey. One can only expect such novelty and brilliance from Ranjith, who has in the past delivered movies that have changed the perception of the Malayalam industry.
When will the movie be released?
Sunny is slated to release in over 240 countries via Amazon Prime Video on September 23. Movie-watchers in Kerala will be excited at the prospect of the movie arriving on their screen as the state has shuttered cinemas owing to the pandemic.
ALSO READ: Exclusive! Ranjith Sankar: If I hadn’t begun Sunny right after scripting it, I would have shelved it