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Star Wars - The Bad Batch Season 3 trailer teases the major time jump and rescue mission; when and where to watch on OTT

The Bad Batch Season 3 will have a chronoshift hinting at a time jump.

Star Wars - The Bad Batch Season 3 trailer teases the major time jump and rescue mission; when and where to watch on OTT
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3

The release of the third and final season trailer for Star Wars: The Bad Batch suggests a significant possible time shift for the show.  Dr. Royce Hemlock abducted Omega and brought him to his clandestine cloning facility on Mount Tantiss, where he also kept Crosshair, as season 2 of The Bad Batch came to a devastating end with Tech's death. Hunter and Wrecker will rescue Omega and Crosshair from the Empire as they continue to work with Echo, Captain Rex, and Rex's underground network, according to the Bad Batch season 3 trailer.

Web Series Name Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3
Language English
Web Series Genre Sci-fi Animated Series
Produced By Josh Rimes
Actors Dee Bradley Baker and Michelle Ang
OTT Platform Disney+ Hotstar
Streaming Date February 21, 2024
Director Brad Rau
Music  Kevin Kiner
Written By Dave Filoni and Jennifer Corbett

Speculation on season chronology

The position of The Bad Batch in the Star Wars chronology has always been somewhat murky due to the lack of explicit information about the time elapsed between seasons 1 and 2. However, some suggest that season 2 of The Bad Batch took place in 18 BBY, before the Battle of Yavin. Because of the time jump, the exact setting for season 3 of The Bad Batch is unknown. Season 3 of The Bad Batch will set the stage for the future of the Empire, which, according to Emperor Palpatine's narration, might still be in its early stages.

Check out the trailer below:

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Hunter mentions that Omega has "been waiting for us a long time" in the voiceover of the third season trailer of The Bad Batch. It is unclear how long it will take to rescue Omega from Mount Tantiss. Actually, the duration before the rest of Clone Force 99 can come to her aid can range from weeks to months—if not years—ish. Even though Crosshair and Omega are still in captivity, Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo don't appear to be too worried about him.

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Release date and expectations

On Wednesday, February 21, three episodes of season three of The Bad Batch will stream on Disney+ Hotstar.

Dr. Hemlock values Omega's DNA more than mutant DNA like Crosshair's because she is an unadulterated Jango Fett clone. This was the initial motivation for Omega's pursuit in the first season of The Bad Batch. Omega may appear to be uninjured in the trailer, but that doesn't imply she isn't being tortured or traumatised by the Empire. Although her hair appears longer than in past seasons, it may have been chopped for experimental purposes. The Bad Batch season 3 will likely not have a very lengthy time jump, though.

Bad Batch season 3 probably won't take place in the future, but sometime around 17 BBY will be the most likely setting for the last season. Seasons can change in the span of a few months or even a year. Additionally, these characters could make cameo appearances in future Star Wars games, thus laying the groundwork for their future appearances. As the premiere of season 3 of The Bad Batch draws near, it is likely that more details about a possible time jump will be disclosed.

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