The latest instalment, set six years after the events of the original, released in theatres on April 14
Shivaji Surathkal is a detective franchise by writer-director Akash Srivatsa, with Ramesh Aravind in the lead as the title sleuth. Conceived as an eccentric cop with an eye for detail, Shivaji is plagued by the mysterious disappearance and death of his pregnant wife Janani (Radhika Narayan), who frequents his sub-conscious mind and becomes his voice of reason and sanity. While the first film came out in 2020, shortly before the pandemic broke, the second comes a good three years later.
While the original, Shivaji Surathkal: Ranagiri Rahasya was pegged as his 101st case to coincide with the fact that it was Ramesh’s 101st film, The Mysterious Case of Maayavi is set six years later as Case No. 131. Shivaji is now a lot more sober, as his medication is working and he is also caring for his adoptive daughter Siri. When he then gets a new case, he soon enough realizes that there’s a connection between the victims, the murderer and himself.
Read our review: Shivaji Surathkal 2 review: Ramesh Aravind shines in a clumsy thriller that works sparingly
Released in theatres on April 14, the film, we hear, has found its digital partner. Shivaji Surathkal: Ranagiri Rahasya is available on Zee5 Kannada, so, it would make sense to have the sequel also head to the same platform. Prior to the release, when OTTplay checked in with the team, we were told that they were still weighing their options. However, it is now being reported that the film will go to Zee5 Kannada after all. A tentative streaming date is also doing the rounds, although both the streaming platform and the likely premiere have not been confirmed by the film team or the OTT. The buzz is that Shivaji Surathkal: The Mysterious Case of Maayavi will be on Zee5 Kannada on June 23.
Produced by Anup Gowda and Rekha KN, the franchise will have more movies, Ramesh had said, adding that the team is also toying with the idea of a web series based on the character to account for the cases leading up to the first film and maybe even some between Case No. 101 and 131.