The series features Akshay Sethi, Abhimanyu Chaudhary, Shrey Arora, and Hemant Chaudhary in the lead roles.
Puraani Havveli ka Rahasya ALTT's newest web series, has just been announced on the digital platform for original content. The upcoming series is said to be a terrifying thriller that will have viewers on the edge of their seats.
The mystery surrounding the seven fatalities that took place in an ancient haveli is the focus of the episode. The issue of whether it was a murder, a mass suicide, or something else that no one can fathom is explored throughout the novel.
The most recent production by ALTT offers an ensemble cast that includes some of the best performers in the business, including Akshay Sethi, Abhimanyu Chaudhary, Shrey Arora, and Hemant Chaudhary. Puraani Havveli ka Rahasya is certain to captivate viewers throughout the nation with its compelling plot and superb production value.
Mr. Vivek Koka, Chief Business Officer, spoke about the beginning of the new series and stated that Puraani Havveli ka Rahasya is a compelling narrative that they are eager to share with the audience. Their team has worked very hard to make this exciting narrative come to life. The series investigates the mysterious and inexplicable. It provides a special viewing opportunity. They have no doubt that the audience will find this intriguing account of mystery, greed, and its effects enjoyable.
Puraani Havveli ka Rahasya on ALTT will be known for its spine-tingling thrills, its makers assure us. It tells the story of a family that is both plagued by the past and the present. The series seems to be a delight for all fans of horror thrillers with its fascinating narrative and skilled ensemble.
Interestingly, ALTT has not announced a new web series in a very long time. Only four shows were launched on the OTT platform in 2022: Code M, Pavitra Rishta, Apharan Season 2 and Lock Upp.