The actor shared the photos of the ceremony in the evening, and his long-time friend Srijit Mukherji was elated. He welcomed his friend to the ‘married people’s club’.
Finally, the most eligible bachelor of Tollywood, Parambrata Chatterjee, got hitched to his girlfriend, mental health worker, and scholar Piya Chakraborty. The registration took place on November 27. The actor shared the photos of the ceremony in the evening, and his long-time friend Srijit Mukherji was elated. He welcomed his friend to the ‘married people’s club’.
Parambrata shared the photos and sent a love message to his wife 'Let us go then, you and I...When the evening is spread out against the sky.'
Also read: Parambrata Chatterjee and Piya Chakraborty tie the knot
Srijit wrote in the comment box, “Welcome to Wedlock Society (a derivative of Srijit’s 2012 film, Hemlock Society, in which Parambrata plays the lead). Konkona Sen Sharma commented ‘beautiful’ on their photographs. Besides, Sayani Gupta, Ishaa Saha, Raj Chakraborty, Vikram Chatterjee, Monami Ghosh, Anindita Bose, Gourab Chatterjee, and Subhasree Ganguly also wished the couple. Parambrata’s heroine actress Raima Sen congratulated the couple. Actress Sohini Sarkar wished them love.
Also read: Parambrata Chatterjee teams up with Nandy Sisters again
Piya was previously married for six years to singer Anupam Roy. They separated in 2021. After some time, the rumour of Parambrata and Piya’s relationship became on the air. However, none of them commented anything about their relationship before the wedding.