Padachone Ingalu Kaatholee revolves around the events occurring in the life of the pragmatist, Dinesan, who must question his own beliefs when a astrology-believing girl enters his life
Malayalam comedy entertainer Padachone Ingalu Kaatholee is currently streaming on an OTT platform after its theatrical run. The film helmed by Bijith Bala is a satirical comedy that takes on themes like superstitions, caste system, and party politics. Sreenath Bhasi plays the lead in the film which has Ann Sheetal and Grace Antony in prominent roles. Actors like Johny Antony, Vijilesh, Sunil Sukhada, Hareesh Kanaran, and Alencier Lopez are also part of the cast.
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When and where to watch Padachone Ingalu Kaatholee
Padachone Ingalu Kaatholee is a comedy entertainer which can now be streamed on Saina Play and the same platform, turns out, has also bagged the streaming rights of Saiju Kurup starrer Pappachan Olivilaanu.
The film revolves around the life of a left supporter Dinesan who is also a school teacher. Dinesan was born in a 'politically inclined' village situated in the Northern part of Kerala and the place's communist ideologies have a big influence on him. Also, Dinesan is someone who has always rejected regressive beliefs and values and is instead known for implementing progressive policies like gender-neutral uniforms in his school. But despite his good acts, he always encounters problems which disturb his peace not only in his actual life but also the one in his dreams. When a girl who believes in astrology comes into his life, Dinesan is forced to abandon his progressive beliefs and look for solutions that can end his troubles.
Reasons to watch Padachone Ingalu Kaatholee
The film is a satire which takes a dig at the contemporary superstitions and political landscape in Kerala. Sreenath Bhasi, who is known for his realistic comedy performance and mannerisms, has carried the character of Dinesan reasonably well. Grace Antony, who entertained through her roles in Kanakam Kamini Kalaham, Kumbalangi Nights and Appan has pulled off the character of a party worker with ease in Padachone Ingalu Kaatholee. The cameo appearance of Sunny Wayne and the hilarious performance of Johny Antony and Hareesh Kanaran makes the movie an entertaining watch.