The show, starring Jason Bateman, Laura Linney and Julia Garner, was created by Bill Dubuque and Mark Williams
Wendy and Marty Byrde are nearing the end to the most harrowing chapters of their lives as Ozark’s final season’s second part is inching closer to its release. Netflix unveiled the trailer for the same recently, which shows the Byrdes having to face some difficult choices.
Marty and Wendy are seen arguing over their next course of action, with the former worried about Ruth while the latter seeks to protect their family at all costs. After the sudden death of her cousin, Ruth is seen with vengeance in her eyes as she tries to avenge her family’s death by going after Javi. Marty also seems to have talked Navarro into letting the former go to Mexico to handle the ‘business’, a move that is sure to usher in new problems for the Byrdes.
Check out the trailer below:
Jason Bateman and Laura Linney star as Marty and Wendy Byrde respectively, and Julia Garner portrays Ruth. The series also features Sofia Hublitz, Jordana Spiro, Skylar Gaertner, Jessica Frances Dukes, Felix Solis, Damian Young, Alfonso Herrera, Adam Rothenberg, Richard Thomas, John Bedford Lloyd, Joseph Sikora, Bruno Bichir, CC Castillo, Katrina Lenk, Bruce Davison, Ali Stroker, and Veronica Falcón.
Created by Bill Dubuque and Mark Williams, the Netflix series follows the story of Marty Byrde, who is forced to move to the Lake of the Ozarks to launder money for his bosses who run a drug cartel. The acclaimed series is the recipient of numerous accolades including Emmy Awards. The fourth season of the show will be its last.
Ozark season 4 part 2 will premiere on Netflix on April 29, 2022.