Just after winning the Oscar as the first Indian film producer for the Tamil language documentary film The Elephant Whisperers, Guneet Monga announced that her production house Sikhya Entertainment, along with Netflix, will back the documentary film Yo Yo Honey Singh. The movie, of course, is based on the life of the popular Indian rapper.
The documentary will be directed by Mozez Singh. The fans will get to watch a bare-it-all docu-film based on the life, struggle and much more of Yo Yo who is a much-loved pop star. He became a rage among the youth for his desi rap style.
Media, controversy and limelight – nothing is new to the artist. He however feels the documentary is one of the films where the fans will get to know the real Yo Yo that they deserve to know.
Commenting on the docu-film, Yo Yo Honey Singh said, “I have spoken about my personal and career issues in the media before but I’ve never been able to bare it all. I have received tremendous love from my fans, and they deserve to know the whole story.”
“This Netflix docu-film will give everyone an honest and sincere account of my life, my upbringing, where I’ve been and my current journey to return stronger,” the artist further added.
Talking about backing the story of the artist in the form of a documentary, Guneet said, “His tumultuous journey with fame intrigued a whole nation and us at Sikhya. This was a story I wanted to explore. Thankfully, Netflix has always supported and given unique, diverse local stories to a global audience, creating a space for a perfect fit for a bare-it-all, authentic docu-film like this.”
The producer says that she is also excited for the audience to meet the man behind the star. She said, “We’re excited for you to meet the man behind the country’s rap and hip-hop music, and learn about the journey that led to his clout, and the controversy that followed.”