Shah Rukh Khan and filmmakers Mani Ratnam, Mohan Raja are also spotted in the photos,
Rajinikanth blessing Vignesh and Nayanthara
Kollywood's power couple Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan tied the knot on June 9 in the outskirts of Chennai, amid wishes pouring in from fans and celebs from different film industries. Though only a few were invited for the gala affair, the presence of Superstar Rajinikanth, a few other Tamil stars and Bollywood Badshah Shah Rukh Khan made the event a special one.
Today, on July 9, exactly a month after the marriage, Vignesh Shivan took to his Instagram page to release a few pictures of Rajinikanth attending the ceremony and blessing them.
The Insta post read, "With the loving #Thalaivar Rajnikanth sir :) blessing our wedding with his esteemed presence with sooo much of positivity and good will. Happy to share some great moments on the one month anniversary of our special day (sic)."
One of the pictures has Nayanthara, who's draped in a bright red outfit, looking radiant even as Rajinikanth's seen blessing her. Another picture has the Superstar, who's dressed in his favourite white kurta, conveying his wishes to Vignesh even as the latter's seen striking a shy pose.
Then there is a photo of the excited couple receiving a gift from Rajinikanth. Mani Ratnam, who is spotted along with the trio, is also seen elated. Shah Rukh Khan and director Mohan Raja were also spotted in the pictures.
A few days ago, the couple's pictures in which they were having a whale of time in Thailand went viral on social media. On the work front, the couple last worked together in Kaathuvaakula Rendu Kadhal which was released in April. Their next collaboration is the horror thriller flick Connect which is expected to release later this year. While Nayan has a film each in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Hindi awaiting releases, Vignesh is all set to direct Ajith during the end of this year.