Still undecided on whether Nammaflix is a viable subscription? ? Here is a detailed analysis of Nammaflix to form an educated opinion on whether the service is worth subscribing to,
Nammaflix is an Indian subscription-based video-on-demand streaming service launched in April 2020. This is the first digital platform exclusively for Kannada movies.
Platform supported by: Android, iOS, and Desktop
Download and Onboarding experience: The size of the Android app is 12 MB and the download experience is pretty straightforward. .
Subscription Plan:
The subscription plans for Nammaflix are as follows:
What to expect:
Nammaflix has the following sections:
The ‘Home’ section is divided into carousel of movies and widgets for the following:
The ‘movies’ section is divided into a carousel of movies and widgets for:
The ‘Radio’ section has live radio from NammRadio India, NammRadio Gulf, NammRadio USA and NammRadio Europe.
The ‘watchlist’ section contains the list of movies that the user has bookmarked..
Design and experience:
The design of the platform is simple and uncluttered, divided into a plethora of widgets. This makes searching for content from the widget of your choice effortlesss . The‘See All’ icon for each widget, helps the user discover more content from a particular genre/category.
The ‘Movie Detail’ page has the following elements:
Recommendation Engine:
The platform does not account for the user’spreferences and there is no recommendation engine to suggest any movies, shows, live content or songs to a user, based on their preference or watch history.
Sign in/Sign up:
One can sign in or sign up at any point using:
Pros & Cons:
Suggestion for the platform:
Why should one subscribe?
Weighing up the pros and cons, the platform is rated 6/10.
A Nammaflix subscription is recommended only for those who want to exclusively watch Kannada movies.