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Naagin 6 September 4, 2022 written update: Shakti stabs Rishabh, Pratha has to face off against a new enemy

As Pratha tries to start a new chapter in her life, the story takes a 20 year leap.

Shilpa S
Sep 05, 2022
Naagin 6 September 4, 2022 written update: Shakti stabs Rishabh, Pratha has to face off against a new enemy

Shakti runs to a cliff with Pratha and Rishabh’s baby and tries to throw her off. Pratha saves her and Shakti and Rishabh fight each other. Rishabh stops short of killing Shakti. But Shakti stabs Rishabh instead.

As Pratha tends to Rishabh, she attains her sesh naaag form and punishes Shakti. Soon Rishabh opens his eyes, and seeing how much Pratha loves the latter, Shakti has a change of heart. Shakti takes the knife and stabs himself and jumps off the cliff to his death.

Pratha goes to the naagmahal with her daughter as Farishta arrives. She asks Farishta to bless her daughter and says she wants to leave her old life behind and live an ordinary life. Farishta advises Pratha to hide his secret of being a sesh naagin from Rishabh. Pratha says that she will not give up her sheshnaag powers, but instead will never use them again.

As Pratha speaks about Naani's death, Farishta asks if she knows the truth about her grandmother’s death. Pratha tells him that her grandmother had died while trying to protect Amrit kalash from Seema’s mother. Farishta says that's the story everyone knows. Farishta tells her to forget the past, but Pratha still ponders over it.

Pratha and Rishabh start the latest chapter of their lives with a griha pravesh. As Rajesh Pratap Singh’s aunt goes to leave the house, Pratha asks her to stay with them. The aunt goes to meet Rajesh in jail, and the latter reveals that the aunt had killed Rajesh’s wife, but he was languishing in jail for the crime. The aunt says that she had killed Rajesh’s wife as the latter had seen something she should not have. The former says that she was here for Pratha only.

The aunt reveals that Pratha’s biggest enemy is still alive, and rivals that that person had asked the aunt to hide Pratha’s daughter. The enemy is revealed to be Sahiba, Seema’s mother. The aunt goes to meet Sahiba and reveals that she had swapped Jeet’s daughter for Pratha’s, as Jeet’s daughter had died in childbirth as well. Sahiba reveals the truth about Pratha’s naani’s death.

In a flashback sequence it is revealed that an astrologer had predicted that Pratha’s daughter would vanquish all asurs, and Sahiba had killed Pratha’s naani after knowing this. Sahiba hatches a plan to raise Pratha’s daughter to save the asur community rather than destroy it.

After the Ganesh puja at her house, Pratha goes to see Farishta. The latter says that Pratha’s daughter might become a naagin too in due time, and Pratha vehemently opposes this. She prays to Shivji asking him to refrain from making her daughter, Anmol, a naagin. Anmol sees a snake and gets scared, and Pratha hopes that this is a sign that Anmol will not be a naagin. Back at Jeet’s house, a snake appears and seems to watch over his daughter, who is actually Pratha’s real child.

The story takes a 20 year leap, and Pratha’s daughter Anmol is shown to be all grown up. When the two go to a market, they encounter an escaped tiger and Anmol is seen to take the form of a sesh naagin, as Pratha looks on.
