The upcoming limited series, directed by Mohamed Diab and created by Jeremy Slater, will premiere on Disney+Hotstar
The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s latest television series, Moon Knight, will mark Ethan Hawke’s foray into the MCU. Mohamed Diab, who directed four out of the six episodes of the series, recently revealed that Hawke had agreed to be a part of the project without reading its script.
According to a report by Screen Rant, Diab, along with Oscar Isaac, had approached Hawke to pitch the show. Diab said that for a ‘legendary, independent’ actor such as Hawke to join a superhero project is a big thing indeed.
But during the pitch, the director had requested Hawke not to read the show’s script. Diab said that it was not because he thought the script was ‘bad’, but rather he wanted Hawke to bring his own unique take to the character. The director also stated that it was the first time in 35 years that Hawke had said yes to a project without reading its script.
In Moon Knight, Hawke portrays the role of the show’s main antagonist, Arthur Harrow. Hawke had told USA Today that he tried to portray his character as a mix between ‘Jimmy Swaggart (an evangelist), Leo Tolstoy, [Fidel] Castro, the Dalai Lama, and Josef Mengele (a German SS officer in Nazi camp)’.
The series revolves around the story of Marc Spector, a former mercenary who has dissociative identity disorder, but is gifted with superhuman abilities by an Egyptian deity after having a near death experience.
The upcoming series, created by Jeremy Slater, also features Gaspard Ulliel, May Calamawy and Lucy Thackeray.
Moon Knight will premiere on Disney+Hotstar on March 30, 2022, in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and English.