The wedding reception, reportedly, was organized at the Palace Grounds in Bengaluru and the pictures and video glimpses from the same event are now available on social media. Manoranjan’s brother and fellow actor Vikram Ravichandran too can be spotted in the pictures.
Actor Manoranjan Ravichandran tied the wedding knot with Sangeetha Deepak on August 21. Although the wedding ceremony remained a low-key one, several of V. Ravichandran's friends and colleagues (the groom’s father) made it to the event to bless the newlyweds.
From music composer Hamsalekha, whose iconic collaborations with Ravichandran are etched forever in people’s minds, to Hattrick Hero Shiva Rajkumar, the wedding was intimate yet star-studded. Actress and politician Umashree, Avatara Purusha actor Sharan, and TV host Akul Balaji too were seen in attendance, as per reports.
The wedding reception, reportedly, was organized at the Palace Grounds in Bengaluru and the pictures and video glimpses from the same event are now available on social media. Manoranjan’s brother and fellow actor Vikram Ravichandran too can be spotted in the pictures.
Following the wedding nuptials, the newly wedded couple will have another grand reception held at a private resort near Nandi Hills. The same event will see many bigwigs from the film and political world in attendance.
As per other reports, Sangeetha Deepak is a working professional and a distant relative of Manoranjan with this being an arranged marriage. The Mugil Pete actor shared in a recent interview that while his family never objected to the concept of ‘love marriage’, he went ahead with the alliance because things between them clicked almost immediately.
Manoranjan added that he was particularly touched by the trust factor between them, considering that he would be working with female actors as part of his job and she (Sangeetha Deepak) does not belong to the film fraternity.
On the work front, the 34-year-old actor is yet to find firm footing in the film industry but is consistently striving to make his mark on the audience. Manoranjan Ravichandran made his debut in 2017 with Saheba and has starred in four films to date as the date. His most recent release is Prarambha (2022).