Malayalam language film The Priest, directed by Jofin T Chacko will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on April 14.,
Mammooty in a still from The Priest.
Malayalam horror-suspense drama film The Priest starring Mammootty, is ready for its digital premiere on Amazon Prime Video on April 14. The film hit theatres in Kerala on March 14 and was declared a hit.
Directed by Jofin T Chacko, The Priest follows the life of a priest blessed with the ability to solve cold cases. When the priest (played by Mammooty) has to pair up with a police officer in order to solve a set of mysterious suicides, dark secrets are revealed. ,
Actor Mammootty, speaking of his character in the film, stated that this role is different from the ones he’s done before. In a conversation with Republic World, the actor said, "When I first read the script of The Priest, I was sure I had to do this!",
The actor was also thrilled that the film was premiering on Amazon Prime Video.
Director Chacko also expressed his excitement at the film’s release, calling Mammootty his first choice for the role of the priest. According to the director, it is a dream-come-true moment for a filmmaker when versatile stars attach themselves to their project.
The Priest stars Manju Warrier, who worked with Mammootty for the first time. She called it an exhilarating experience.
The film also stars Nikhila Vimal, Sreenath Bhasi, Saniya Iyappan and Jagadish in prominent roles.
This Malayalam horror film will be available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video from April 14.