Shalini Pandey has shared screen space with Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan in Maharaj. The actress has revealed the reason she asked the actor to 'slow down a bit' during the filming.
Shalini Pandey made her Bollywood debut with Jayeshbhai Jordaar opposite Ranveer Singh. Produced by Yash Raj Films, the film received a rather underwhelming response at the box office. Although it left Shalini 'heartbroken', the actress has continued her journey in the Hindi entertainment industry. She is presently awaiting the release of Maharaj, wherein she shared screen space with Aamir Khan's son, Junaid Khan. Speaking with Mid-Day, Pandey revealed why she asked Khan to 'slow down a bit' during the filming.
In an interview with the tabloid, Shalini Pandey shared her experience of working with Junaid Khan in Siddharth P Malhotra's film, Maharaj. The actress called Khan a sweet and supporting co-star. "He is a very hard-working human being so much so that sometimes he works a little too much so I had to tell him that he had to slow down a bit," she said.
Shalini added that team Maharaj was one of the best teams she has worked with. The actress called herself a curious person who wants to know how things work. She recalled working with the film's DoP whose lighting sense amused her. However, she eventually learned the science behind it.
Also read: Netflix & YRF's Maharaj promises an intriguing tale uncovering the truths of pre-Independence India!
Further, when Shalini was asked if she fears being sidelined since the focus would be on Junaid as it is his acting debut, the actress stated she doesn't think she would face that issue. "When you see the film, you will know that everyone is important," added Pandey.
Helmed by Siddharth P Malhotra, Maharaj not only marks Junaid Khan's acting debut but also his OTT debut. The actor plays the role of a journalist in the movie, which is based on the 1862 Maharaja Libel Case. Also starring Jaideep Ahlawat in a key role, the period drama will drop on Netflix on June 14, 2024.
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