Kangana Ranaut has called out Deepika Padukone’s Gehraiyaan and Alia Bhatt’s Gangubai Kathiawadi on Instagram. The actress took a dig at Gehraiyaan through her Instagram story. In another, she called out a little girl for imitating Alia Bhatt from Gangubai Kathiawadi.
While calling out Gehraiyaan, Kangana Ranaut asked the makers to ‘not sell trash’ in the name of ‘millenial/new age/urban movies.’ She revealed she was talking about Deepika’s film by adding, “It’s a basic fact, koi Gehraiyaan wali baat nahi hai.”
The actress called herself a millennial too while dissing the film. She then added a wink emoji at the end of her Instagram story to clarify she was indeed talking about Gehraiyaan.
See her story here:
Kangana also called out a little girl mimicking Alia Bhatt from Gangubai Kathiawadi and the media promoting the same. “Is it okay to sexualize her at this age?,” Kangana questioned.
While tagging Minister of Women and Child Development of India, Smriti Irani, Kangana also asked if a child should imitate a sex worker with a beedi in her mouth. She further questioned if it is okay for her to mouth crude and obscene dialogues, which the little girl does in the brief video.
Here's a screenshot from the story:
This is not the first time when Kangana has called out either Deepika or Alia. She had previously called out Deepika stating she is running a ‘business’ with her mental health organization Love, Live, Laugh. Meanwhile, she had called Alia Bhatt a ‘mediocre’ actor during Gully Boy’s release.