Directed by Arvind Sastry, the film also stars Sharmiela Mandre, for whom Dasara marks the first full-fledged movie as producer.
On Tuesday evening, Kannada actor Sathish Ninasam posted pictures with the team of his upcoming film Dasara, including director Arvind Sastry, producer-actor Sharmiela Mandre and Rukmini Vijayakumar, announcing that they’d wound up principal photography
Dasara is a crime thriller that revolves around a series of murders that happen during the festival and has been shot across locations in Bengaluru and London. The film was kickstarted in 2019, but like a lot of others, it was delayed owing to the pandemic. In a conversation with OTTplay last week, Sharmiela had said, “The film has Sathish Ninasam and Rukmini Vijayakumar in the lead. I am acting in it as well, although my initial plan was to only back the project. But Arvind was insistent and spoke at length that I was apt for another pivotal role in the film. Now that it is almost over, I can confidently say that the film has shaped up well. It may sound clichéd if I say that it is different, but this one truly is. It is experimental in nature and not one of those run-of-the-mill commercial types with five songs and just as many fight sequences. And no matter what happens with the film, I am quite proud of the subject. Even in terms of the genre, although it is a thriller, it’s different. When I turned producer, everyone around me said that I should start off with a tried-and-tested subject, with a to-the-point storyline that doesn’t go over-the-top. In that sense, starting with this subject seemed risky, but I felt that it’s a story that needed to be told. Arvind, as a filmmaker, brings a different vibe to his movies. In fact, I wanted to collaborate with him right after seeing Kahi and knew that he was the man for the job of bringing Dasara to the screen.”
Although the team has been quite tight-lipped about the subject and characters played by the cast, it has been reported that Sharmiela is an investigative journalist in the film, while Tilak Shekar does a cameo as a larger-than-life superstar who lives a lavish lifestyle.