Ishq Vishk Rebound actor Rohit Saraf stated that he's a huge fan of Shahid Kapoor’s film too.
Rohit Saraf
Ishq Vishk Rebound, featuring Rohit Saraf, Pashmina Roshan, Jibraan Khan and Naila Grrewal, has been trending on social media for obvious reasons. People have been curious as to whether the upcoming movie could do justice to the ‘OG film’ Ishq Vishk, which marked Shahid Kapoor’s debut. The movie also featured Amrita Rao and Shenaz Treasurywala. ‘Mismatched’ star Rohit has now spoken up on the comparisons and why it is fair.
Talking to Zoom, Rohit stated that he’s not that secure an actor and has his insecurities to deal with. He calls it an everyday process, and shares that he doubts somebody could become a secure actor after doing only a few films. “Maybe some people are, I am not that person,” he said, adding that he has people around him to remind him what he’s capable of, which helps him understand that the insecurities are more magnified in his own head more than anybody else’s. Confessing he’s an overthinker, he is blessed to have a constant reminder that everything will be okay.
On comparison with Ishq Vishk, Rohit said that it’s only fair because he understands the love and joy that the movie brought into people’s lives, including his own. He states that there are brutal comparisons that hurt, and while he respects those opinions, Rohit says that he ensures it doesn’t get to him because it is the people’s journey to make. He talks about the people who are a little less brutal and says that while what they’re doing is good but the OG film was amazing. “They’ve lived with that film for years. We can’t suddenly bring the same franchise back and expect them to feel that the original movie was okay and this is great,” he said.
The actor further added that he would like his fans showing the same kind of loyalty for the work he does. “I completely understand and respect it,” Rohit said while promoting his own movie.
Directed by Nipun Dharmadhikari, Ishq Vishk Rebound will release in theatres on June 21.