The short film featuring Rishi Hapawat, Mansi Rachh and Udit Arora, raises awareness about the importance of mental health
Indian short film Thank You For Sharing has been initiating plenty of talks among the festivals lately. Helmed by Dynal Ferns, the dark comedy short has become the third quarter-finalist at the Golden Short Film Festival, Rome. It has also bagged an official entry to the International Shorts 2021 (Australia), and received its first Indian nomination for ‘Short of The Month’ at Shorted India.
Thank You For Sharing revolves around an anxious man in his thirties. According to the makers, the short film “takes a sharp look at the blurry line between incessant thoughts and mental illness”, as quoted by The Indian Express. They also stated that the film explores the loneliness of psychosis, and how the lack of understanding makes someone feel alienated.
The trailer of the short film also suggests the same, as the protagonist could be seen struggling mentally. His inability to express what he is going through, lands him in stress, irritation, agony and outburst. His reactions are not accepted well by people surrounding him, which makes the situation complex. Altogether, the short film raises awareness about the importance of mental health as well. It features Rishi Hapawat, Mansi Rachh and Udit Arora in prominent roles.
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According to director Ferns, he has tried to bring out the fight of a person who is trying to overcome his clinical mental disorder. “I believe there always has been a certain level of dysfunctionality in human behaviour”, he said in a statement quoted by The Indian Express. He also added that the story’s comedy is blended with the character struggling to control the outburst.