The third generation in veteran star Krishna's family is getting ready to test its fortune in showbiz. If it was Mahesh Babu's son Gautham, who made his silver-screen debut in 1:Nenokkadine, now the former's nephew, Ashok Galla, is set to make his first on-screen appearance as a lead actor with the mass entertainer Hero. The film is directed by Samanthakamani, Bhale Manchi Roju fame Sriram Adittya and features Nidhhi Agerwal as the female lead. Hero will be hitting theatres for the Sankranthi season on January 15.
Hero, incidentally, is about a youngster, who wishes to make his presence felt in the film industry. However, not many pay heed to his ambitions and regularly dissuade him from a career in showbiz. In the meanwhile, he falls in love with a doctor, who is also his neighbour. What comes in the way of his love life and ambitions? Ashok Galla is to be seen in a variety of avatars, from the Joker to a cowboy and more, promising an abundant dose of action and electrifying dance numbers too.
Jagapathi Babu, Naresh, Sathya, Brahmaji, Ravi Kishan and Vennela Kishore form the supporting cast of this launchpad which has music by Ghibran. Two songs from the film, Acha Telugandame and Donal Duggu (Rap song), are out and have impressed audiences. The film's theatrical trailer was launched by SS Rajamouli and drew applause from several corners. Sameer Reddy and Richard Prasad are the joint cinematographers for the film.
Besides direction, Sriram Additya has also penned the story and screenplay for Hero. Kalyan Shankar and AR Tagore have written the dialogues. The technical crew also comprises editor Prawin Pudi, art director A Ramanjaneyulu, while Akshay Tyagi and Rajesh are the costume designers. Disney+ Hotstar is the streaming partner of Hero and the film is expected to premiere on the platform in early March. Star MAA has acquired the satellite rights. Hero is bankrolled by Ashok Galla's mother Padmavathi Galla under Amara Raja Media and Entertainment.