Directed by Soumik Haldar, the Hoichoi series also stars Saswata Chatterjee, Priyanka Sarkar, Arjun Chakrabarty and Kaushik Sen.
The OTT player Hoichoi is all set to drop the final episodes of Soumik Haldar’s Mahabharat Murders on June 3. The murder mystery saga features a host of stars, including Saswata Chatterjee, Priyanka Sarkar, Arjun Chakrabarty, Kaushik Sen, Rishav Basu and others in the lead.
Actor Rishav plays the character of Vicky Patel, a flamboyant drug dealer-cum-adult filmmaker in the popular series. The actor recently spoke to OTTplay exclusively about what the audience can expect and his character on the show. He said, “The last three episodes will join all the dots and reveal the true connection of my character with the murders. My character is that of Arjun and hence, he is one of the key players in the Mahabharat Murders. Vicky is also connected to each of the murders that took place in the series,” he said.
The on-screen appearance of Vicky Patel loosely resembles Jim Sarbh. While talking about the makeup and costume of the character, Rishav said, “Soumikda deliberately wanted to bring in the flamboyance of Jim Sarbh in the series. It was a conscious creative call. Vicky has a style and Soumikda briefed me with Jim Sarbh's reference.”
Also read: Exclusive! Priyanka Sarkar on Mahabharat Murders: It was a challenging role with shades and struggle
Rishav is one of the first actors to come on board for the series. Soumik started the initial discussion with Rishav back in 2019, when he was filming for Srikanto. Soumik worked as the DOP of Sani Ghosh Ray's film