Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor were in New Delhi on Wednesday to promote their upcoming mega-budget film Brahmastra. And during our brief interaction with Ranbir Kapoor, he talked about his feels and that mighty source of global recognition called the Oscar Awards. Read on...
The team of Brahmastra is leaving no stone unturned to promote what could easily be labelled as one of the most ambitious Hindi films in recent years. While the controversies were addressed, both about the trending #boycottbrahmastra and how Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt could not go to Ujjain temple as Ayan 'had asked them not to come', it was then time for the real-life couple to talk about their thoughst and feelings pertaining to the movie that's been on everyone's mind for reasons more than one.
So, when we exclusively spoke to Ranbir Kapoor for a brief while, he got emotional and talked about how the film's pre-release jitters makes him feel these days with the release being only two days away.
"A lot of excitement for this one. This is not a normal film for us (looks at Alia for approval; she needs in agreement). Brahmastra is more than an emotion. Just watch the film. And your response will be the emotion (I feel)," Ranbir Kapoor told OTTplay.
However, while talking about the film's much-talked-about VFX work, which is believed to be at par with Hollywood superhero movies, Ayan Mukerji revealed that for this ambitious project, he has collaborated with Namit Malhotra: the Chairman and CEO of DNEG, the VFX wiz responbile for the visual effects of Oscar-winning film Dune in 2022.
When we asked Ranbir Kapoor about the buzz around Brahmastra and how there's strong talks of it being an Oscar-worthy film, Ranbir blushed and gave a sweet response to OTTplay. As Alia Bhatt watched on, Ranbir said with a smile, "Aapke dilme chale jaye pehle woh hi kaafi hain (It would be more than enough if it reaches your hearts first)," before folding his hands in humility. Alia Bhatt, too, was all smiles when we asked the question and agreed to what he said with a nod.
Produced by Karan Johar's Dharma Productions and directed by Ayan Mukerji, Brahmastra is releasing in theaters on September 9, 2022.