The Netflix film tells the story of a former television news anchor who receives a call from a terrorist on his radio show. The film also features Amruta Subhash, Vikas Kumar, Vishwajeet Pradhan and Mrunal Thakur.
Kartik Aaryan’s latest flick Dhamaka was recently dropped on Netflix. The actor had called the thriller film one of the most challenging films he had ever worked on and credits the director Ram Madhvani for helping him stay composed on set.
In a conversation with The Indian Express, Aaryan had revealed how filming some scenes had left him weary and drained. In such instances, he had turned to his director for guidance, who was always there for the actor in times of need.
Calling it a ‘dream come true’ to work along with the popular director, Aaryan had nothing but good things to say about Madhvani. The Luka Chuppi star talked of how he had wanted to be a part of one of the director’s projects for quite some time. The actor also talked of how Madhvani’s commitment to looking after the cast and crew ‘spoke volumes’ of him.
Regarding the atmosphere on set, Aaryan said Madhvani made the shoot feel like a kind of celebration, and that it was an enjoyable experience shooting the film.
Dhamaka, which marked Aaryan’s OTT debut, tells the story of a former TV news anchor, who hosts a radio show after his fall from grace. He receives a shocking call from a terrorist one day, threatening to blow up a bridge in Mumbai, and sees this as an opportunity for his redemption.
In addition to Aaryan, the film also features Amruta Subhash, Vikas Kumar, Vishwajeet Pradhan and Mrunal Thakur.
Dhamaka is available to stream on Netflix.