Karan Johar says, “I am numb, I can’t even breathe.”,
The host of the Bigg Boss OTT and filmmaker Karan Johar extended his heartfelt tribute to Sidharth Shukla who passed away recently, (September 2). He expressed his condolences during the Sunday Ka Vaar episode. Sidharth bagged the Bigg Boss season 13 trophy and he was only 40 years old when he died. His sudden death shook the nation and it was difficult news to process for many.
Karan Johar was seen emotionally wrecked while addressing Sidharth’s demise and said he is still numb from the news. The filmmaker said that the late actor was one of the favourite members of the reality show and that he was loved by many people. Karan went on to add that Sidharth Shukla is a name that has become an important part of our lives and that he was a close friend to him, many in the industry and has left so soon. Karan was sobbing while giving his speech.
ALSO READ- Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla passes away due to cardiac arrest
He further said that Shukla’s death is something that he is battling to accept and he is numb that he cannot even breathe. “Sid was a good son, a great friend and an amazing guy to be around with. His positive vibes and that smile won so many millions of hearts”, he added.
Karan mentioned that the abundant amount of love from his fans is proof of how ‘popular’ and ‘lovable’ Sidharth was.
“Rest in peace, Sidharth Shukla, you shall be missed forever,” Karan said that the audience and himself included will need a lot of strength to recover from this blow and to continue the Bigg Boss reality show.
“But if you think about it, and this is what I am sure Sid even wanted because as we all know, the show must go on,” Karan concluded.