Gauahar Khan has come out in support of Pratik Sehajpal just minutes after Tejasswi Prakash was declared the winner for Bigg Boss 15. Gauahar said that Pratik is the only 'deserving winner' of the show. The ex-Bigg Boss winner (Bigg Boss 7 winner) stated that there was silence in the studio after the announcement and that spoke volumes.
Gauahar wrote, "LOL! The silence in the studio at the announcement said it all." She heaped praises for Pratik by not only calling him a deserving winner but also stating that the world saw him shine.
See her tweet here:
Like Pratik himself said (and host Salman Khan agreed), Gauahar pointed out that Pratik won hearts. She reminded everyone about how Pratik was a favourite of every single guest and the public loves him too. "Keep your head held high," Gauahar wrote in Pratik's support.
Pratik became the first runner-up while Karan Kundrra was the second runner-up of the season. Interestingly, the two also share a journey from a reality show, Love School, where Karan was Pratik's mentor.
During the finale, Salman left the audiences confused since he constantly held both Pratik and Tejasswi's hand high. Nobody understood what was going on till the last moment, when the party poppers actually revealed that Tejasswi won the show. Co-incidentally, this happened just a few minutes after the actress bagged Naagin 6 and became the new face for Ekta Kapoor's show.
Pratik continued his Bigg Boss journey from Bigg Boss OTT. He gave up on his opportunity to win that show in order to participate in Bigg Boss 15. The growth during his journey was recently appreciated by Ananya Panday, who revealed she is an avid follower of Bigg Boss. She came to the grand finale and greeted Pratik personally during the memory lane task. Salman too cheered on Pratik till the last moment and even let him stay with the trophy for a few moments.