The show is a spin-off to Breaking Bad and had earlier featured several characters from its parent show, including Hector Salamanca (Mark Margolis), Don Eladio (Luis Politti), and the Salamanca twins (Luis and Daniel Moncada)
It's confirmed! Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul will be a part of the final season of the series, Better Call Saul. According to Variety, the co-creator Peter Gould announced the news of the two actors being part of the Breaking Bad spin-off at PaleyFest LA. However, when will the two show up exactly and in what capacity in the series are unknown.
Peter said that as he does not want to spoil things for the audience, he would just like to mention that Walt and Jesse will be a part of the show. "How or the circumstances or anything, you'll just have to discover that for yourself, but I have to say that's one of many things that I think you'll discover this season," he said. The co-creator said that the team has been receiving the question if they will be able to see their favourite characters on the show ever since the drama started.
Star Bob Odenkirk teased that there is more but before he could say anything more, he was cut off mid-sentence by Peter. Peter told Variety during the Better Call Saul premiere that it would be something that the audience hasn't witnessed before. Co-creator, Vince Gilligan had added that it would be a 'shame' if the show ended without the two actors appearing in it.
Sharing about the final season, Bob said that the two shows -- Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul -- are entwined even more than ever. "And I think that's surprising and cool, and it's gonna make you want to watch Breaking Bad again," he said.
Meanwhile, the spin-off has had many other characters from Breaking Bad making their appearances throughout its first five seasons, including Hector Salamanca (Mark Margolis), Don Eladio (Luis Politti), and the Salamanca twins (Luis and Daniel Moncada). There were cameo appearances by even Hank Schrader (Dean Norris) and Steven Gomez (Steven Michael Quezada).