The show revolves around Grace, a midwife with her own set of personal struggles,
SonyLIV has extended its catalogue by adding Australian drama series Amazing Grace which can be streamed from May 7. Starring Kate Jenkinsen in the role of Grace Cresswell, the first season of Amazing Grace premiered in March. The plot follows the eponymous character who is a midwife at an unconventional birth centre in a hospital. She works with colleagues who are passionate and goes about her days as usual, being an advocate for expecting mothers and trying to balance her personal and professional life. There’s enough on her plate, but before she knows it, her 17-year-old daughter (who she had given up for adoption) arrives unannounced in her life.,,
But the surprises for Grace don’t end there - her daughter is heavily pregnant and now Grace has to navigate being a mother and a grandmother. This heartwarming series features characters that are complex but relatable in their struggles. They have aspirations and hopes of their own, till life gets in the way. Amazing Grace also stars Sigrid Thornton, Alex Dimitriades, Ben O’Toole, Alexandra Jensen, Ben Migay and Catherine Van-Davies.,, The eight episodes of Amazing Grace take the audience through the life of midwives and the importance of their profession. The plot also lets multiple love stories bloom, as Grace grapples with all the drama that keeps accompanying her everyday at work. The show is created by Sarah Smith, David Maher and David Taylor.,,