Anushka Sharma also said that even though she was undecided about taking on the endeavour, an inner voice kept urging her to do so.
Anushka Sharma plays the lead role in Chakda 'Xpress which is set to be released in February next year. The actor was last seen in Zero in December 2018, alongside Katrina Kaif and Shah Rukh Khan. Meanwhile, Anushka and her cricketer husband, Virat Kohli, welcomed their first child in January 2021. The actor admitted that filming Chakda 'Xpress after giving birth to her daughter Vamika made her scared.
The former captain of India's national women's cricket team, Jhulan Goswami, is the subject of Chakda 'Xpress a biopic. Anushka has been posting videos and photos of herself practising cricket, but she has recently stated that she was unsure of her physical strength when she first started.
The star recently appeared on the cover of Harper's Bazaar India, where she talked about her first time filming after having a kid. She told the magazine that she was involved in the founding of Chakda 'Xpress. The actor intended to start working on it sooner, but the film was delayed due to the pandemic, and then she became pregnant. Anushka was apprehensive when she eventually started working on it because she had just had a kid and wasn't as strong as before. And the actor hadn't worked out in 18 months, so she wasn't in the ideal physical shape in the past, Anushka would have pushed herself to do more in the gym.
The NH10 actor continued saying that even though she was undecided about taking on the endeavour, an inner voice kept urging her to do so. That's the kind of work she would like to do. Anushka will always be willing to work on projects that are both engaging and informative.
The actor, who recently left her production company, Clean Slate Filmz, which she co-founded with her brother Karnesh Ssharma to pursue acting full-time, also stated that she does not believe in the hustle mentality. She remarked that she believes in taking a more holistic approach to life, if you enjoy your work, you will enjoy your life. That's exactly what one should do.
On February 2, 2023, Netflix will premiere Chakda 'Xpress directed by Prosit Roy and produced by Clean Slate Filmz. According to Anushka, the film will be an eye-opener into the realm of women's cricket.