Synopsis: The television cast, led by Pandey and Rupali Ganguly, will reprise their roles on the digital show on Disney+ Hotstar. The series will be out on April 25.
Disney+ Hotstar is preparing to premiere a prequel to the famous TV series, Anupamaa bringing one of television's most beloved characters closer to fans. The cast of the TV show, led by Rupali Ganguly and Sudhanshu Pandey, will be seen reprising their roles.
The series, Hotstar Specials presents Anupama – Namaste America, produced by Rajan and Ishika Shahi under their production business iShahi Entertainment, will also give fans a better look at Sudhanshu Pandey's multi-shaded persona Vanraj. Sudhanshu is a well-known personality in the Indian TV and cinema industry, and he portrays a multi-layered character on the show. In the 11-episode prequel, Vanraaj portrays a teen lover, a spouse, a son, and a parent, among other roles.
Sudhanshu Pandey stated in a press statement recently that in Indian television, stars are rarely seen portraying anti-hero characters. He said he is delighted to have had the chance to play Vanraaj and be a part of Anupama- Namaste America's incredible story. Acting as a multi-shaded character, in his opinion, breaks up the monotony and permits to try out several variations of his profession. Vanraaj's interactions with each persona reflects a different side of him, he added.
“While for the most part, we know of his insecurities when it comes to letting Anupama be a part of the world outside, at home, he does not shy away from taking on domestic roles like making tea. He is a grey character that can only be subjectively read by the audience,” he said adding that at times, the viewers might not like his character and that is what marks a successful character.
Anupamaa which was first released on television in July 2020, is a long-running series with over 500 episodes available on both Star Plus and Disney+ Hotstar. The prequel episodes, which will be released in 11 days, will be viewable only on the OTT platform and will not be broadcast on television. Sudhanshu Pandey will deliver his role as Anupama's husband Vanraaj, while Alpana Buch, Arvind Vaidya, Paras Kalnwat, Ashish Mehrotra, and Ekta Sariya will reprise their roles as Baa, Bapuji, Samar, Toshi, and Dolly, respectively in the prequel.
Anupama- Namaste America will premiere on Hotstar Specials, and will feature a new character from Anupamaa's early years, Moti Baa, performed by renowned TV actor Sarita Joshi. The show will be out Disney+ Hotstar on April 25.
Read More- Anupama - Namaste America spoiler: Vanraaj refuses to bring Anupamaa to a party, Moti Baa intervenes