Aamir Khan danced to the tunes of Pehla Nasha with Nita Ambani at her son Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's pre-wedding bash. Check out the video here!
Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's pre-wedding festivities concluded on March 3. The third day of the mega event was filled with some memorable performances. Bollywood singer Udit Narayan crooned one of his hit songs, Pehla Nasha, at the pre-wedding function. While Narayan was performing, Aamir Khan danced to the tunes of the Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar track with Nita Ambani. The actor played the lead role in that movie.
Bollywood actor Aamir Khan was seen grooving with Nita Ambani while Udit Narayan sang Pehla Nasha on the stage. A video of them dancing was shared by a paparazzo on Instagram. While Aamir danced with Nita Ambani, Anant Ambani was seen matching steps with his wife-to-be Radhika Merchant. If you haven't seen their video yet, check it out right below:
On Day 2 of Anant and Radhika's pre-wedding celebrations, Aamir reunited with Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan on the stage for a special performance. The three Khans of Bollywood broke the dance floor as they grooved to Nacho Nacho from RRR. They were later joined by Ram Charan for the performance. A still from their act has gone viral on social media.
Aamir Khan attended all pre-wedding functions of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. He was in Jamnagar for three days. The actor's ex-wife Kiran Rao was also present for the celebrations. Last month, the Bollywood actor was busy with the wedding festivities of his daughter Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare. Their registered marriage took place in Mumbai followed by a grand celebration in Udaipur.
Meanwhile, on day three of Ambani's pre-wedding celebrations, singers Lucky Ali and Arijit Singh delivered LIVE performances. On the other hand, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan did a romantic dance with his wife Gauri Khan on a song from Veer Zaara.