After its digital premiere on Netflix in India, Mammootty's superhit Malayalam film One is all slated to release on the Telugu OTT platform aha. Of course, the film's Telugu version will release on aha but before that, here are some things you need to know about One.
One movie poster
The political thriller movie is directed by Santhosh Viswanath. It features Mammootty, Murali Gopy, Joju George, Siddique, Mathew Thomas, Ishaani Krishna, Gayatri Arun and Nimisha Sajayan in lead roles. The movie is produced by Sreelakshmi R and was released when the Kerala Elections were at the doorstep.
The film was released on 26 March 2021 and received positive reviews from the critics. Following the theatrical release, the movie was released on 27 April 2021 on Netflix. Now it is all set to release on aha on July 30.
One changed many people's perspective. It made them believe that a Chief Minister (here Mammotty) could be a really good person inside out, contrary to the rumours surrounding him. Until the character enters the film, we are made to believe that the CM is a fearful guy and everybody needs to respect him. This fear we are made to feel is through the eyes of a young boy who had posted something derogatory on a facebook page. The boy here represents any other common man.
Mammootty sinked into his character and made people believe he is a charismatic and hardworking person who thrived to glory despite his not-so-fancy background.
The movie raises a lot of questions, mainly forcing people to think 'What if we had a really good corruption-free leader to lead our nation?,' 'What if we had a CM who got the revenue minister arrested at once for corruption?' and most importantly 'What if we had a PM who actually apologised to the people and took accountability if a mishap happens'.
While the film has been loved by the Malayalam-viewing audiences, it is only a matter of time when we will know if it connects even with the Telugu-viewing audience.