Akshay Kumar also said in the interview, "India is everything to me."
Akshay Kumar has often been criticised for being a Canadian, but he says that India is everything to him and has already signed up for a new passport. In the first episode of the new season of Seedhi Baat on Aajtak, Akshay remarked in an interview that he feels guilty when people make assumptions about why he became a citizen of Canada.
The 55-year-old actor said that to him, India is everything. All he has acquired and gained comes from this place. And he is fortunate to have the opportunity to return the favour. When individuals speak without knowledge, it makes one feel horrible.
Akshay, well-known for his work in movies like Hera Pheri, Namastey London, Toilet: Ek Prem Katha and Padman also discussed a difficult period in his career when he produced more than 15 duds. This took place in the 1990s. He said that the lacklustre success of his movies at the box office made him want to become a Canadian citizen.
The actor revealed that his films aren't working, and one has to work. He reasoned that he visited Canada on business. His friend in Canada asked him to visit him back then. Akshay applied for and was granted citizenship. There were just two of his movies remaining to be released, and it was pure serendipity that both of them were huge successes. Akshay's buddy advised him to go back and resume his work. The actor continued to receive more films and jobs. He neglected to use his passport. Akshay never considered changing his passport, but as of late, he has applied to do so. After he gets word from Canada that he has given up his Canadian citizenship, he will...
After an interview with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in April 2019, just before the Lok Sabha elections, Akshay's citizenship became a controversial topic.