Rajkummar Rao is all set to impress us with his impeccable acting skills in his upcoming film, Srikanth. The film, which is directed by Tushar Hiranandani is a real-life story of entrepreneur Srikanth Bolla, who is a visually impaired industrialist Srikanth Bolla. The film also stars Jyotikha and Alaya F in pivotal roles and will showcase the inspiring journey of the industrialist.
Rajkummar Rao is all set to impress us with his impeccable acting skills in his upcoming film, Srikanth. The film, which is directed by Tushar Hiranandani is a real-life story of entrepreneur Srikanth Bolla, who is a visually impaired industrialist Srikanth Bolla. The film also stars Jyotikha and Alaya F in pivotal roles and will showcase the inspiring journey of the industrialist.